1. Les carnets d’Alice 2. Hallie Daily 3.Luzieht an 4. Ninaah Bulles 5.Big girls you are beautiful 6 . The style scribe 7. A handful of stories 8. Dash of darling 9. Fancy Treehouse 10. The fashion cuisine 11. Suits, heels and curves 12. Curves in a budget 13.Ewokraeja 14. Inside city chic 15. Lovely in LA 16. JayMiranda 17. Kendi everyday 18. Moda capital 19. The Curvy fashion salade 20. Margie plus 21. Victoria Tornegren 22. Dieu créa la femme 23. Margo and me 24. J’adore fashion 25. Hoard of trends
Beaucoup de superbes belles robes, je suis fan !
Biz Jeny
Ninaah Bulles
<3 merci ma douce.